Saturday, November 14, 2015

Typical bhailo dance from balithum gulmi

Bhailo is a combination of typical dance and song which is performing in tihar which is calling deepawali also. This bhailo team was from balithum gulmi performing at bhuwachidi market. This team was best bhailo team in local area, totally cultural dances and songs given new taste to bhailo lovers.

Costume and instruments was given very good look to this group, girls and boys dancing perfectly at this video.Peoples play cards in tihar, this is not good for our society, but still many peoples play cards and other games in tihar, this team is identical to that group who play cards because new generation loving culture and collection money for social works.

Click here to download video>>>

Local peoples helped them very good, all peoples who were watching this program were impressed by bhailo team and host pm magar

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