Sunday, November 9, 2014

nice dance by girl dance 3

This beautiful girl from wami gulmi and she is participating in dance computation held on wami gulmi, Peoples who are living in rural village they never want to see this kinds of dance. They are living simple life and they always want to see cultural dress and music, this kinds of music and dance is first choice of new youth but old generation will never support them.

One side of Nepal music industry only wants to sale unwanted hot scenes it is not like before, but one part of industry fighting to save culture and cultural program.

Our studio is also trying to save oldest culture and music of our country, we are delivering pure Nepal traditional videos of our country. We record and give priority to pure cultural music and dance from rural village life. You can go to and enjoy oldest and cultural videos of our country and we hope you also will share it and help us to save our oldest culture. 


  1. नाच त यस्तो हुनु पर्छ

  2. Superb.... the way she danced is flawless...

  3. hey i m not her any member n bla bla..i dont agree with your thought..she gave her performance with smile even it was not suitable to oldies..yeh it was not well enough but she tried enough as dance gotta change nowa this era.....thats all

  4. Replies
    1. hajmola khanuhosss ..... waiyattt dance lai pachaunuhosss..

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. waiyattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

  7. yesto nach lai pani nach bhanchhan ra ??????????????????///
